Associate Professor, Sid and Reva Dewberry Department of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering
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Shanjiang Zhu is an associate professor of transportation planning and engineering at George Mason University. He graduated from Tsinghua University with a bachelor's degree in 2003 and a master's degree in 2005. During 2001-2003, he studied at the Ecole Centrale de Nantes, in France, as a dual-degree student. He obtained his PhD at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, in 2010 and worked two years as a research scientist at the University of Maryland before joining Mason Engineering.
Zhu is experienced in travel demand modeling, travel behavior analysis, GPS-based travel survey methods, integrated transportation planning and simulation models, traffic incident management, and transportation economics. He is a Co-PI of the TransInfo University Transportation Center which focuses on big data studies in transportation. His research work has also been funded by the National Science Foundation Federal Highway Administration, the Virginia Department of Transportation, and the Virginia Office of Transportation Public-Private Partnerships. He is the Virginia Governor’s appointee on the Technical Advisory Board of Northern Virginia Transportation Authority and is a fellow of Mason's P3 policy center. Zhu is the recipient of the 2014 Young Researcher of the Year Award, International Transport Forum, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
- PhD, Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota
- MS, Applied Economics, University of Minnesota
- MS, Automatics, Ecole Centrale de Nantes
- BS, Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
Research Interests
- Travel demand modeling
- Transportation planning
- Data Analytics
- Managed lanes and tolling
- Multi-modal mobility and infrastructure
2013 - 2017: Transportation Informatics University Transportation Center (TransInfo UTC): Harnessing the Power of Big Data in Support of USDOT Strategic Goals. Funded by The Research Foundation of State Un.
2014 - 2016: Transportation System Impact of the Opening of Phase 1 of the Silver Line. Funded by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
Kaviti, Shruthi**, Mohan M. Venigalla, Shanjiang Zhu, Kimberly Lucas, and Stefanie Brodie (2018), Impact of pricing and transit disruptions on bike-share ridership and revenue, Transportation, in press https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-018-9904-5.
Yang, Zhuo, Mark Franz, Shanjiang Zhu, Jina Mahmoudi, Arefeh Nasri, Lei Zhang, (2018) Analysis of Washington, DC Taxi Demand Using GPS and Land-Use Data, Transport Geography, Vol.66, pp 35-44
Zhu, Shanjiang and David Levinson, (2018), Agent-Based Route Choice with Learning and Exchange of Information, Urban Sci. 2018, 2(3), 58
Zhu, Shanjiang, Gege Jiang, Hong Lo, Capturing Value of Reliability through Road Pricing in Congested Traffic under Uncertainty, Procedia of International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT22), July 22-24, 2017, Northwestern University, Chicago, and also in Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, DOI:10.1016/j.trc.2017.08.016
Zhang, Zhenhua, Qing He, and Shanjiang Zhu, (2017) Social Media and Travel: Explorations Using New Data and Methods, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 85, December 2017, Pages 396-414.
Zhu, Shanjiang, Hamza Masud*, Chenfeng Xiong, Zhuo Yang*, Yixuan Pan, and Lei Zhang, Travel Behavior Reactions to Transit Service Disruptions: Case Study on Washington, D.C., Metro SafeTrack Project, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2649, DOI:10.3141/2649-09
Zhou, Xi*, Mohan M Venigalla, and Shanjiang Zhu, (2017), A Bounding Box Approach to Network Pruning for Efficient Path Search through Large Networks, ASCE's Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, in press
Shanjiang Zhu, Julian D. Marshall, David Levinson, (2016), Population exposure to ultrafine particles: size-resolved and real-time models for highways, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 49, pp.323-336
Venigalla, Mohan, Xi Zhou*, and Shanjiang Zhu. The Psychology of Route Choice in Familiar Networks: Minimizing Turns and Embracing Signals. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Vol. 142(3), September 2016, pp. 1-14.
Xuan, Di, H. Liu, S. Zhu, D. Levinson, (2016) Indifference Bands for Boundedly Rational Route Switching, Transportation May 2016, pp 1-26
Zhu, Shanjiang, David Levinson and Henry Liu, (2016) Measuring Winners and Losers from New I 35W Mississippi River Bridge, Transportation, Vol. 43, pp.1-14
Zhu, Shanjiang and David Levinson, Do people use the shortest path? An empirical test of Wardrop's first principle, PloS one, 10(8), e0134322
Zhang, Guangjun, Xuedong Yan, Shanjiang Zhu, and Yun Wang, 2016, Using hierarchical tree-based regression model to examine university student travel frequency and mode choice patterns in China, Transport Policy Vol. 45, pp.55-65
Zhu, Shanjiang Traffic Incident Management, In M. Garrett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Transportation: Social Science and Policy, 2014, vol. 19, pp. 1373-1376. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Zhu, Shanjiang, Woon Kim, Gang-Len Chang, and Steve Rochon, Design and Evaluation of Operational Strategies for Deploying Emergency Response Teams, ASCE Journal of Transportation, vol. 140(6), 2014, 04014021
Xianfeng Yang and Shanjiang Zhu, Solution to the Multi-depot Inventory Slack Routing Problem at the Planning Stage, ASCE's Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2014, 04014115
Xiong, Chenfeng, Zheng Zhu, Xiang He, Xiqun Chen, Shanjiang Zhu, Subrat Mahapatra, Gang-Len Chang, Lei Zhang, Developing a 24-Hour Large-Scale Microscopic Traffic Simulation Model for the Before-and-After Study of a New Tolled Freeway in the Washington DC-Baltimore Region, ASCE's Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2015, 141(6), 05015001
Levinson, David and Shanjiang Zhu, Portfolio Theory in Route Choice, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2013, 35, pp.232-243.
Zhu, Shanjiang, Longyuan Du and Lei Zhang, Rationing and Pricing Strategies for Congestion Mitigation: Behavioral Theory, Econometric Model, and Application in Beijing, in Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT), Noordwijk, Netherlands, July 2013, also in Special Issue of Transportation Research Part B, 57 (2013) 210-224
Zhu, Shanjiang, Woon Kim and Gang-Len Chang, Design and Benefit-Cost Analysis of Deploying Freeway Incident Response Units: A Case Study for Capital Beltway in Maryland Transportation Research Record, vol 2278, pp.104-114
Zhang, Lei, Gang-Len Chang, Shanjiang Zhu, Chenfeng Xiong, Longyuan Du, Mostafa Mollanejad, Nathan Hopper and Subrat Mahapatra, Integrating an Agent-Based Travel Behavior Model with Large-Scale Microscopic Traffic Simulation for Corridor-Level and Sub-Area Transportation Operations and Planning Applications, ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Jun. 2013, 139(2), pp.94-103
Levinson, David and Shanjiang Zhu, The Hierarchy of Roads, the Locality of Traffic, and Governance, Transport Policy, 2012, 19, pp. 147-154
Zhu, Shanjiang and David Levinson Disruptions to Transportation Networks: A Review. Network Reliability in Practice, Springer New York, 2012, pp.5-20.
Zhu, Shanjiang, Nebiyou Tilahun, David Levinson, and Xiaozheng He Travel Impacts and Adjustment Strategies of the Collapse and the Reopening of the I-35W Bridge. Network Reliability in Practice, Springer New York, 2012, pp.21-36.
Zhu, Shanjiang, David Levinson, Henry Liu, and Kathleen Harder, The Traffic and Behavioral Effects of the I-35W Mississippi River Bridge Collapse Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Dec. 2010, 44(10), pp. 771-784.
Zhu, Shanjiang, Feng Xie, and David Levinson. Enhancing Transportation Education through On-Line Simulation using an Agent-Based Demand and Assignment Model, ASCE's Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, Jan. 2011, 137(1) pp. 38-45.
Zhang, Lei, David Levinson and Shanjiang Zhu, Agent-Based Model of Price Competition and Product Differentiation on Congested Networks, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy Sept. 2008 42(3) pp. 435-461.
Levinson, David, Feng Xie, and Shanjiang Zhu (2007) The Co-evolution of Land Use and Road Networks. Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT), July 2007, London.
Zhu, Shanjiang, Shan Qu and Qixin Shi, (2006), Improvement for Intelligent Driver Model and its Application, Journal of Highway Engineering (in Chinese), 2006 (3).